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Be Truly Well
Our Story
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About Dr. West
Growing up in Pittsburgh, PA Dr. West was no stranger to the football field and with that he became acquainted with typical sports injuries including multiple concussions.  After seeing doctor after doctor with no results he was introduced to a local Chiropractor that changed his body and life forever.
He decided to pay it forward and made it his life purpose to help others with similar injuries and conditions to regain their lives too. 

He graduated from Penn State University in 1992 with a BS in Life Sciences and in 1996 after graduating from Palmer College of Chiropractic he began to practice as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC). He found out early on that in healthcare there is what's called the 80/20 rule. 80 percent of patients will get better no matter what form of treatment is performed while 20 percent will not and that a majority of those in healthcare are content with this and push off the 20% who do not respond to doctor after doctor in an endless loop of prescriptive medicine after medicine, treatment after treatment and surgery after surgery with very poor outcomes, including suicide. Dr. West decided that something should be done about that 20% and made it his objective in private practice to crack this code. 

A year or so into practice Dr. West began to develop excruciating pain in his hands radiating up his arms. He saw doctor after doctor and again found no luck. It looked like he was falling into the 20 percent category and would have to give up practicing Chiropractic. But he knew there had to be a solution. That's when he began his search for a workable technology that gave routinely positive results and did away with those percentages. 
Enter Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC). After a couple adjustments with this revolutionary technique the pain in his hands and arms were vastly improved and within a few months the pain was gone never to return. This experience began to reveal the secret to unlocking the 20 percent of patients that wouldn't respond to care and truly helping everyone. 

Dr. West became a Master of ABC and began specializing with this technique and the results have been nothing short of miraculous. 

After about 9 years helping thousands with ABC to regain their lives, he was hit with another unexpected shock. He had gotten married, was expecting his first child and was diagnosed with stage 4 malignant melanoma cancer. Again seeing doctor after doctor the biopsy results remained the same, with recommendations for chemotherapy and surgery.  Dr. West decided yet again that there must be another way. That's when he began his research into alternative medicine, holistic treatments and nutritional  supplementation. The research had paid off because after trying a combination of "unrecommended alternative therapies" the skin cancer went into remission.

This marked a major turning point in his life having overcome so much adversity, he decided to go into practice on his own with not only a brand new name but a brand new mindset as well, Be Truly Well, LLC. And with that new mindset he decided to never stop learning or gaining new knowledge in the field of medicine and nutrition which brings us to the next chapter of Dr. West's pursuits. 

Dr. West continued to grow his practice year after year with 2018 marking a truly unprecedented year! 2018 saw Dr. West celebrate his 10th year anniversary being cancer free!  

With that awe inspiring accomplishment under his belt he jumped head first into even more life changing discoveries. He was introduced to a modern medical treatment and miraculous recovery of one of his patients. After seeing the incredible results he began to look into the statistics and clinic trails and decided to receive the treatment himself. With positive results all around he took the steps to integrate Be Truly Well into an Integrative Health Center so as to offer these modern medical treatment to all patients. 

But that's not all he also established a partnership with an expert in the field of microbiology with plans to develop a line of supplements that were truly...  well... extraordinary, utilizing ancient healing technology to provide superior nutrition. And in 2018 there was a breakthrough in the research and thus YourBiotics was born. YourBiotics brings something to the table that no other probiotic can claim to do and that is the cultivation of a relatively newly classified form of life, Archaea. His microbiology team unlocked the code of the purpose of the archaea; to enhance life, to detoxify it from heavy metals and chemicals and to keep pathogens in check. The next step was inventing a cutting edge pressure drying process. This pressure drying method enhances microbial life and doesn't harm it like traditional freeze drying methods and also makes it shelf stable with no need for refrigeration. With the cultivation of archaea and this new pressure drying process, producing it in an FDA certified facility was the last step in making YourBiotics the only one of it's kind on the market. It's a prebiotic, probiotic and an all around gut healing supplement. And it's just the start of a full line of supplements in the works that works not just for the 20 percent who struggle but for everyone.  

As of October 2018 these cutting edge medical treatments and ancient healing supplements were made available to all our patients and with the growing word of mouth they are now sold as far away as Alaska!

But he has tons in store for 2024. Stay tuned..... 
The original "Shark Tank" Kevin Harrington and Dr. West - 2019 
Find out why the original shark of the ABC hit TV series Shark Tank and creator of As Seen on TV, Kevin Harrington interviewed our own Dr. West.
Navy Seal Team 6 NY Times Best Selling Author Don Mann and Dr. West - 2019 
Don Mann retired Navy Seal from famed Navy Seal Team 6 and NY times bestselling author and inspirational speaker pictured above with Dr. West.  
Tough Mudder Competition 2010 - Dr. West and Friends 
After being diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma cancer Dr. West went on that recover and continue his active lifestyle competing in the Tough Mudder Competition in 2010. His attitude is not only to survive in life but to thrive. Physically, mentally and spiritually. 
Upcoming Events

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Contact Us
Be Truly Well 
an Integrative Health Center
& Med Spa 
218 E. Main St. Suite # 112  
Newark, DE 19711

MON: 9am - 6pm (Spa Only)
TUE: 9am - 4pm
WED: 9am - 8pm
THU: 9am - 7pm 
FRI: 8am - 6pm
SAT: 9am - 1pm
Phone: 302-525-4343